We are definitely on our way. You can feel it in the air. We are testing out some new ideas and reaching into new territory. Structures are coming - some will work, some won`t and that`s just the game we play. We`ve amped up our rehearsal time - sorry juniors - and there seem to be an endless stream of performances on the horizon. I LOVE THIS TIME OF THE SEASON...SO MUCH.
Thursday this week we begin and end early so that formal goers can get home and get fancy! 3:30 - 5:15.
We are definitely opening for the clowns at GSS on Fri. Feb 25th and our own show will be Wed. March 9th. Both nights are sure to be beyond awesome. Some promo would be a good idea. Check with Chelsea to see if she needs you guys to do some announcements.
A huge thanks to the juniors tonight for such an amazing rehearsal. Hilarious character shadow walks and some great storytelling. We`ll see you Thursdays at lunch.