That is right! Only 23 days till tournament! We've got to jam pack so much into the remaining six things before we compete.
Tuesday - Go and support those crazy clowns in Welland @ 7
Wednesday - Practice is canceled, get some rest
Thursday- Practice @ 4
Next week
Monday - Practice as usual
Wednesday - SHOW! We will be staying after school that day to plan our order of fun, bring 5$ for pizza.
Thursday - Debrief on show and practice
March Break! Get some well needed rest because on...
March 20th - Improv breakfast! Be there for 8:15ish to set up, start selling tickets!
March 21st- Hardcore last practice.
March 22nd - Sleep.
March 23th - pony up, we're heading to Kitchener.
March 24th (somebodies birthday) - night of play!
March 26th - Finals.
It's a busy month. Stay healthy. Stay happy.
Keep it real?